SPASITE RANJENIKE IZ SREDIŠNJE BOSNE – bio je zahtjev Hrvata Brotnja, među njima je bilo mnoštvo izbjeglih iz Srednje Bosne. Oni su bili blokirali konvoj UN-a ratne 1993. godine u središtu Čitluka.
Zahvaljujući Slobodanu Praljku muslimani u Mostaru su dobili 19 kamiona humanitarne pomoći iz “fašističke” Herceg Bosne!
Brotnjaci su prolazak uvjetovali dostavom humanitarne pomoći za 158 tisuća Hrvata Središnje Bosne! On se ustao protiv njih i provezao konvoj. Niti jedna ljudska duša iz Istočnog Mostara nije se htjela odazvati kao svjedok obrane generalu Praljku. Niti jedna. Niti jedan jedini Bošnjak od njih 450.000 smještenih u Hrvatskoj nije se htio odazvati na sud. Niti jedan jedini.
U isto vrijeme dok traje ratni kaos u BIH, muslimanske žene i djeca su bila smješteni po odmaralištima duž dalmatinske obale, u toj za njih “fašističkoj” i “agresorskoj” Hrvatskoj. Najžalosnija činjenica je ta, dok su oni odmarali, njihovi muževi i očevi vrše agresiju na Hrvate u Središnjoj Bosni.
Postoji video snimka, do koje pokušavamo doći, u kojoj Bošnjaci Bugojna, smješteni u hotelu u Makarskoj, slave pad Bugojna i progon hrvatskog stanovništva.
Tako je Tuđman vršio agresiju na Hrvatsku.
Upravo to je danas zaključio Haaški sud.
4 komentara
Jebem im ….balijsku
oil money is not funny..for money you can have anything on the world..where justice is not any more its profit as war mr pusic and vucic expected more money for 150 millions muslim from arab oil toward with woman and childreens but accused fascist croats from herceg bosna..o yes as documento they going declare that..spreading them where Croats lived too..communist dictators childreens have to be rich with millions and trillions in order destroy and extreminated entire Croatian population..its way how agents of hardliiners do and always say after destruction sorry..jyes sorili ste i razorili povjesno tlo hrvata i opljackali i zaduzili..
see under which reason accusation exist ..o i hear deference story muslim which have to be deported as crime agrement as trade for money which they make excuise its immigration which they come in bosnia or croatia they don’t liked muslim as they want created they going created for themself..
justice system fall in hand as trade of criminals include judges as gipsy traders as crime with childreens womans man old peple and so on..they love money..they not care for victims and they used manipulative media they going accused or stop anyone who going stop them..
see croats of midlle bosnia how they been mistreated minimaze and exemed from justice system not to see as well why they have to be feed with food and cloth and save o be and defended from muslim..on some way they save as it is visible muslim from bosnia refuge..they have help from Croats but croats have to be killed mistred and destruction and expel from midlle bosnia..shame on you satanic evil political justice motivated only against Croats and for money oil..
Bosnian muslim refuge is save from Croats and they used luxury hotels apartments and spend millijards
from Croats turist income in order save them..shame on you satanic politicly motivated justice..
Why because they not care for croats from boosnia N.Travnik Varesh Zenica Zepce Kakanj Vkuf and so on..Who expel killed them who produce destruction upon them..extermination towns city village church schools factory..muslim don’t liked say they do that justice politicaly motivated and pay for muslim ol money they try act as corupt asshole toward Croats..
Why I need respect them as corupt justice system?
Prestanite lagati disu tucman i bubetko i ostali nase sestorke nisu krive branili su nas ovojim hvala ma nisu tribali braniti pa neka vas muslimani pokolu kad njiman ste dosli da sudite ni jedan hag nami nece moci lagati sve sto su rekli lazu kojim palatijo torci da lazu na nas hercegovce